Smart eGoverment
Εκτός Ελλάδας
Smart eGoverment
Έναρξη 09:00 - Λήξη 17:00Conference and Exhibition will be held from December 16th to 17th 2008 in the hotel
Continental, Belgrade Serbia. Conference opening at 09:00 on December 16th.
On behalf of the Programme Committee I would like to invite you and your company to take part in the Conference. 2008 is te year bringing important national ID and ePassport into a next level of maturity and real implementation in the Balkan area. The conference will provide a comprehensive view of the most succesful projects and address the aspect of modern eGovernment Services based on Trusted Identity
Herewith please find attached the Smart EGovernment 2008 Invitation and Programme Scope of the Conference.
The principal theme of the SMART E-GOVERNMENT 2008 is:
"Implementation of High-Impact eGovernment Services"
Information Society Policy • e-Government Applications
Smart Card and Electronic ID technologies • E-Government Security Solution
"Electronic ID and ICAO e-Passports in Europe:
Permanent Challenge of Citizen Identification"