Smart Device & Mobile User Experience Summit 2011

Εκτός Ελλάδας

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Smart Device & Mobile User Experience Summit 2011

Έναρξη 09:00 - Λήξη 20:00

Dear Colleague,

The penetration of smart devices has significantly changed the user experience, as well as the ecosystem. 

The 4th Annual Smart Device and Mobile User Experience Summit addresses the key questions leading operators and OEMs are asking as the success of smart devices and associated platforms continues to crowd the ecosystem, creating value chain overlaps between traditional players.

Join market leaders to discover, discuss and debate....

  • Gain insight from Andrew McGrath, Global Director of Design Vision & Guidelines at Orange/ France Telecom on what the operator should be doing to increase their value to the customer
  • Listen to Dell explain the future of the OEM’s roadmap and how device manufacturers are responding to the number of operating systems available
  • Hear Ashley Benigno, Head of Brand at INQ, define who the ‘user’ actually is and identify how operators and OEMs can influence the user experience in an application dominated world
  • Join panellists from Mozilla, Webinos, Viva Bahrain and WAC to enter the apps v. web browser debate and understand the mobile internet and what users want
  • Benefit  from Michal Levin, User Experience Designer at Google discussing the implications on the UX of cross-device design and Scott Ewings, Managing Director, Fjord UK addressing how to design services for a world in which multiple devices are interacting  

Pinpoint exactly what end users from different sectors require from the device and user experience, with live m-health, legal, senior market and M2M case studies


Interoperability expert coalition MOSQUITO will be joining us on
site to run a hands-on interoperability stream to enhance the
usability of services and products across mobile devices. Don’t
miss out on this opportunity to make your UX seamless

For full details download the brochure here

To Register:

Visit the website: click here
Tel: +44 (0)20 7017 5506
60% Discount for Connect Device OEMs
VIP Code: [*data('96.priority_code')*]