RLA Conference & Expo Amsterdam
Εκτός Ελλάδας
RLA Conference & Expo Amsterdam
Έναρξη 09:00 - Λήξη 17:00Third Party Service Providers (3PSPs) will be exhibiting their Reverse Logistics services and solutions in Europe on June 14-16, 2010.
At RLTS Amsterdam in June, the focus of 3PSPs will be to help European OEMs & Branded companies become aware of RL support on a global basis. This is a rich opportunity for OEMs and Branded companies to identify future service partners. There has never been an opportunity like this for 3PSPs to sit down face-to-face with the key outsourcing decision makers from the major OEMs and Branded Companies. A highlight of this Conference will be on the subject of "green laws", particularly on WEEE & RoHS.
Topics range from field service, RMA, help desk/call center to mergers & acquisitions. A wide range of Reverse logistics companies are in attendance from recycling/e-waste to repair and transportation logistics.