Mobile Life 2008:MOBILE SOCIETY and MOBILE GOVERNMENT Conferences

Εκτός Ελλάδας

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Mobile Life 2008:MOBILE SOCIETY and MOBILE GOVERNMENT Conferences

Έναρξη 00:00 - Λήξη 00:00
Sheraton Voyager, Antalya


exploring the influence of mobile technologies on life

mSOCIETY 2008  -- The 1st International Conference on Mobile Society

EURO mGOV 2008 -- The  3rd  European Conference on Mobile Government

       15 -19 September 2008, Sheraton Voyager, Antalya, Turkey


TURKCELL (Diamond Sponsor), TurkSat (Gold Sponsor)

Mobile Government Consortium International, UK, AykeyNet, Dept. of Computer Engineering TOBB Uni. of Economics and Technology The Center for Information & Society at the University of Washington

mLife conference and exhibitions are prime events for all organizations and professionals who would like to monitor, take part in and shape the development of the social aspects of the mobile revolution.  They provide opportunities to businesses, public sector organizations and researchers to explore the frontiers of the social mobile revolution and be informed in order to reach their goals.

EURO mGOV 2008 - The  3rd  European Conference on Mobile Government

15-16 September 2008, Sheraton Voyager, Antalya, Turkey

Mobile Government involves revolutionary approaches to the modernization of public sector via the utilization of networked mobile technologies in local or central government organizations. It aims to enhance public sector business by creating new opportunities to provide services to society. mGovernment is now a recognized field of practice and research, and constitutes the next evolutionary step of progress in eGovernment.

The EURO mGOV 2008 aims to be a platform for presenting, exchanging and disseminating the newest developments, ideas, applications and services in the field of mGovernment among three essential

constituents: public and private sector professionals and the researchers.

mSOCIETY 2008 The 1st International Conference on Mobile Society

18-19 September 2008, Sheraton Voyager, Antalya, Turkey

Mobile Society refers to the emerging trends of the collective-life on earth driven by the technology of networked mobile phones and other mobile devices. These technologies and its fast and wide adoption is influencing the  way we live in the society, we run businesses and the way we are as an individual.

The First International Conference on Mobile Society (mSociety 2008) aims to be a platform for the presentation, exchange and dissemination of the latest developments, ideas, applications and services involving all aspects of practice and research in mSociety.