M-Enabling Global Summit

Εκτός Ελλάδας

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M-Enabling Global Summit

Έναρξη 09:00 - Λήξη 20:00
Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel, Washington, D.C.

The M-Enabling Global Summit is the only program exclusively dedicated to promoting mobile accessible and assistive applications and services for senior citizens and users of all abilities, a market of more than one billion users worldwide, with considerable untapped potential. 

Opening a new Window of Market Opportunities

The rapid expansion of smart phones and tablets opens unprecedented opportunities, profiting from global economies of scale. Solutions that work for seniors and persons with disabilities, like text-tospeech, voice recognition, Near Field Communication or GPS technology, benefit all mobile users dealing with environmental or situational limitations in utilizing their device. As such, accessible and assistive solutions are at the forefront of the mobile industry as a whole, becoming an essential differentiator and competitive advantage.

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