European Retail Day
Εκτός Ελλάδας
European Retail Day
Έναρξη 09:30 - Λήξη 18:30The inaugural European Retail Day is a joint initiative of EuroCommerce, EuroCoop, the European Retail Round Table and Independent Retail Europe, to discuss the major transformations, challenges and opportunities affecting the retail sector in Europe and the vital role of innovation for the retail industry.
On 30 November 2017, high-level policymakers, industry leaders and prominent experts will gather in Brussels to explore how the European retail sector - both food and non-food - can respond to market, policy and technological shifts with innovative ideas, projects and solutions to ensure the future success of the sector.
Join the debate, engage with key players and policymakers and shape a new narrative for the retail sector in Europe!
Please note that delegate fees may apply for this event. Costs and conditions can be found here.