CEE Telecoms Wholesale

Εκτός Ελλάδας

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CEE Telecoms Wholesale

Έναρξη 12:00 - Λήξη 17:00

CEE Telecoms Wholesale
Strategies for profitable growth in a multi-operator environment

30th Sept 2008, Metropolitan Hotel, Sofia, Bulgaria

Do not miss the chance to educate yourself and gain leverage in what promises to be the most exciting marketplace in the coming years!
An intensive briefing for the CEE Telecoms Wholesale professionals!
Call us now!
+ 44 (0) 207 275 8020
or email london@easteurolink.co.uk


Key speakers include:

Dr. Karim Taga
Managing Director
Arthur D. Little

Mrs. Nadine Berezak-Lazarus
Managing Director
BMP Telecommunications Consultants GmbH

Mr. Bernd Hoogkamp
Head of Mobile Community,

TeliaSonera International Carrier


Mr. Oleh Bobovnikov
General Director
Novatel, Ukraine

Mr. Levente Csenteri
Executive Director
Combridge Srl

Mr. Uwe Nickl
Senior Vice President

Level 3 Communications


Mr. Vladan Aleksic
Head of Internet and Data Transmission,
Serbia Broadband

Mr. Jassen Paspalev
Managing Director
Novatel Bulgaria

Mr. Tomas Strasak
Head of Sales and Member of the Board,

Dial Telecom


Mr. Leonard Lichi
Executive Director,
Datek Telecom Srl

Mr. Mark Gregory
Country Manager Bulgaria,


Mr. Cristian Grigore
Prime Telecom


Mr. Sasa Kramar
Member of the Management Board,
Iskon Internet d.d.

Mr. Zoran Korecic
Head of Carrier Relations Dept.
Iskon Internet d.d.

Mr. Frank de Frémery
Vice President, Sales and Business Development



Mr. Darragh Stokes
Managing Partner,
Hardiman Telecommunications Ltd.


• The rapid growth of the CEE wholesale telecoms market: current challenges and future potential

• The key drivers of the market demand in the region

• Overview of the markets with the greatest opportunities for wholesale providers

• Financial gain from new opportunities to deliver IP services and applications

• Strategies for profitable growth in a multi - operator environment

• Evaluating a wider operator market

• Future expansion in the CEE Region: Extending Coverage and services

• Cost-effective 3G migration

• Adding value to the region’s markets with MVNO and MVNE offerings

Who will you meet:

• Local, regional and international operators
• Carriers and service providers
• Cable companies
• Content companies
• Mobile operators
• ISPs and analysts
• Consultants and financial companies