About SEPE

SEPE -The Federation of Hellenic ICT Enterprises- was founded in February 1995 with the aim of strengthening the sector and creating strong ties of cooperation and communication among its member companies.

As an institutional partner of the state, SEPE aims towards the optimal use of benefits that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can bring to the development of Greek economy and the welfare of Greek society.

SEPE members are companies in the Digital Technology sector which provide work to over 100,000 people and represent approximately 95% of the total turnover of the domestic IT and Communication Technologies market. The total turnover of the sector in the last 3 years is around €13.5 billion, which corresponds to approximately 8% of GDP.

Carrying out complex work at many levels, SEPE intervenes dynamically, in the planning, research, promotion and recognition of the potential of companies in the sector inside and outside Greece.

SEPE is at the forefront of international developments as a member of DIGITALEUROPE and WITSA (World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance). 


SEPE’s purpose is to safeguard and promote the common interests of its member-companies as well as the Digital Technology sector in general. In this context, the Federation:

  • Collaborates with the industry bodies and organizations for the formulation of a National Strategy for Digital Technology
  • Designs and supports programs specifically for the needs of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as to increase their competitiveness in the Greek market
  • Contributes to research for development in all areas of ICT
  • Presents the positions of ICT Businesses to state agencies, institutions, the European Union, the media, the public.
  • Promotes, encourages, strengthens, and protects the establishment and operation of ICT sector Businesses
  • Encourages cooperation among Educational Institutions and industry bodies.
  • Promotes the development of ICT skills of the general population and the upskilling and reskilling of ICT specialists through multi-level actions, such as, training and certification programs, surveys, etc. 

Vision and Strategy

The Digital Technology Industry: A Strategic Sector for the Greek Economy

In the global knowledge economy, digital technology is reshaping the economy, driving innovation and structural change in every aspect of economic activity. SEPE's vision is for the digital technology sector in Greece to be a leading strategic industry, which will:

  • Contribute to the Greek economy
  • Encourage investments in Research and Technology
  • Strengthen digital literacy and, at the same time
  • Apply digital technology, both in the private and public sectors, to address major social challenges. 

There are five pillars in which Greece must optimize innovation, productivity, and competitiveness: 

  • Implementation of digital technology in the private sector
  • Improvement of the public sector’s efficiency by harnessing digital technology
  • Adoption of technology and leveraging innovation by consumers
  • Strengthening the digital technology industry that will support and drive an innovative economy with new fields of business activity
  • Adopting a coherent policy framework that support productivity growth through technology.