ECTA High Speed Internet Conference

ECTA High Speed Internet Conference
Έναρξη 09:00 - Λήξη 20:00
The creation of a digital society is at the heart of the European Commission’s EU 2020 strategy for the future, both as a key element in economic recovery and as a long term objective. To achieve a digital society European and national policies need to ensure that all citizens have access to very high speed Internet services and also to make sure that consumers and businesses actively use these services. European policy makers will need to find smart ways to stimulate investment in a high speed internet for the benefit of Europe’s economy, businesses and citizens. What national strategies have been put in place to ensure Universal coverage? What is the role of mobile broadband in achieving this? How will the regulation of fibre access networks influence market results? How have existing regulatory approaches to NGA affected the level of fibre investment, end-user prices and take-up? Join us to debate and discuss the issues...