Research & Studies - SEPE

Study SEPE – Deloitte: Sufficiency of ICT specialists in the Greek labor market


Greece’s Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector has seen significant growth in recent years, a trend further reinforced by substantial investments from large international companies casting a strong “vote of confidence” in the country’s digital potential. At the same time, the digital transformation of both the public and private sectors has made remarkable progress. However, one of the most critical issues in the global digital landscape is the shortage of skilled ICT specialists.

In response to this issue, SEPE, in cooperation with Deloitte, conducted a comprehensive study to assess the availability and sufficiency of ICT specialists in Greece, the results of which were presented at the digital economy forum 2022: digital Greece in the spotlight.

The study revealed that the majority of businesses in Greece currently have vacant ICT specialist positions, with a significant rise in demand expected in the future. Specifically, the gap between supply and demand is estimated to reach ~7,000 - 7,500 ICT specialists annually between 2023 - 2030.

The survey also confirmed that companies in Greece face challenges in recruiting ICT personnel, primarily due to lack of insufficient specialization among candidates and the migration of young scientists abroad.

Based on their findings, Deloitte, together with the SEPE Working Group, came up with ten proposed actions aimed at addressing the ICT skills gap in Greece. Specifically, the proposed actions include:

Short Term

  • Increase of training programs on ICT subjects
  • Attraction & utilization of experts from abroad (Tech Visas/ ICT Hubs)
  • Creation of new ICT postgraduate departments
  • Mandatory internships for students & strengthening cooperation between universities and ICT companies

Long Term

  • Establishment of new undergraduate ICT programs
  • Enrichment of curricula of other departments with ICT courses
  • Further promotion and teaching of ICT subjects & skills in primary & secondary education
  • Cooperation with foreign universities

These recommended actions are expected to contribute to bridging the ICT skills gap in Greece, with significant progress anticipated from 2029 onwards.

SEPE - Deloitte Study (PDF)