CyberHubs - Empowering cybersecurity professionals in Europe

In our digital world, cybersecurity is a critical factor globally for ensuring the integrity, confidentiality and availability of information systems and services. Protection from any threat, external and internal, is of vital importance. In our country, protection from cyberattacks has shown rapid development and evolution in recent years, offering modern solutions that continuously adapt to the needs of organizations, businesses, and citizens. Nevertheless, there are significant gaps between market needs and the provision of education and training in the field of cybersecurity.
What is the “CyberHubs”?
The European Network of Cybersecurity Skills Hubs (CyberHubs) is a three-year project aimed at strengthening the ecosystem of professional cybersecurity skills in Europe. CyberHubs will establish a sustainable network of seven Cybersecurity Skills Hubs in Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovenia, and Spain. These hubs will promote the development of professional skills in cybersecurity and support the growth of a skilled workforce in the short, medium, and long term.
What is CyberHub Greece?
The Federation of Hellenic ICT Enterprises (SEPE), in collaboration with the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) and the team of Cybersecurity Professor Dimitris Gritzalis participate in the CyberHubs project and constitute the Greek Cybersecurity hub.
The project is funded by Erasmus+ and coordinated by DIGITALEUROPE, the European Digital Technology Industry Association.
The objectives
- Conducting a comprehensive analysis of cybersecurity skill mismatches to provide an accurate picture of these skills, the maturity of the relevant ecosystem, and the opportunities and specificities of each country
- Developing national cybersecurity skills strategies in partner countries
- Organizing a European cybersecurity Hackathon to promote innovation
- Facilitating knowledge exchange mechanisms between Cybersecurity Skills Hubs
- Promoting collaboration between education and industry
What challenges will be addressed?
- Lack of cybersecurity professionals
- Lack of relevant education and training
- Limited collaboration between academia and industry
- Access to training and education
- Rapidly evolving cybersecurity threats
Latest News
17/2/2025 - Cybersecurity in Greece: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Need for Specialized Personnel
For further information regarding CyberHubs Greece, please contact
For the overall project and for the other Hubs in Belgium, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovenia, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovenia and Spain, you can find out more at: